
Removing Barriers for Healthier Communities: Prevention

Prevention helps people of all ages avoid the dangers of using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Prevention services aims to prevent youth from experimenting with substances and prevent the development of problems in groups that are at high-risk in Marion, Dillon, and Marlboro Counties. Prevention is here to serve the community by promoting and educating for a safer environment.


Everything we do is based on the SPF (Strategic Prevention Framework) and the 6 CSAP strategies:

Community-Based Processes

Needs Assessment: Creating and conducting surveys or assessments to determine the needs of the community.

Building Capacity: Identifying and improving community stakeholders to raise community awareness.

Grant Funding: Actively seeking and applying for grant funding.

Alternative Activities

Services provide opportunities to participate in healthy activities and/or social/recreational events as positive alternatives to substance use.


PREP (Palmetto Retailers Education Program): Provided as training to educate business owners of importance of not selling alcohol to minors.

Synar: Study used to determine the need for education of tobacco products and the importance of not selling to minors.

Tobacco Compliance Checks: Conducted to see how accessible tobacco products are for youth.

Alcohol Compliance Checks: Conducted to reduce easy access to alcohol products for youth.

Public Safety Checkpoints: Conducted to reduce impaired driving and to help keep drivers safe.


Problem ID and Referral

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Programs tailored to fit employees' needs and help prevent problems from escalating to more serious issues that affect companies bottom-line.

Tobacco Education Program (TEP): Taught during or after school to students that violated tobacco policy in school.

Information Dissemination

Community Events: Attend events and functions to provide educational information on substances.

Speaking Engagements/School Presentations: We collaborate with schools to provide students and staff with substance use information.

Social Media/Press Release: Update social media, website, and press releases to get information out to the community.


Two-way communication with facilitator/educator and participants to improve life and social skills. Programs we provide:

  • Botvin LifeSkills
  • Keepin' it REAL
  • Keep A Clear Mind
PreventionCatoe Group