When an addict decides to reach out for help, the process of deciding between different kinds of treatment may seem daunting. At Trinity, we try to make this process as easy as possible. During the initial visit, our counselors will do an in-depth biopsychosocial assessment to determine the level of care that the individual may need as it relates to inpatient versus outpatient therapy. The assessment consists of a series of questions used to determine the major physical, psychological, and social issues affecting the individual’s life that have ultimately led him or her to substance abuse.
If outpatient appointments seem like the best option, Trinity will work with the patient to develop a workable schedule and payment plan within our own facility. If inpatient treatment is needed, Trinity will assist with finding and enrolling the client in a facility that makes them comfortable and that they can afford. In either case, the counselors at Trinity are dedicated to helping each individual get the care that he or she needs to the best of our abilities.